服无期徒刑: do it all无期徒刑犯: lifer无期徒刑者: lifer被判无期徒刑: to receive a life sentence判处无期徒刑: sentence of life imprisonment无期徒刑, 终身监禁: imprisonment for无期徒刑,终生监禁: life sentence终身监禁, 无期徒刑: life imprisonment褫夺公权;放逐;无期徒刑。: civil death无期徒刑,终生监禁 无期徒刑,终生监禁: life sentence他被判处无期徒刑he: was condemned to life imprisonment由死刑改判无期徒刑: commute the death sentence to life imprisonment这个主犯被判无期徒刑: the principal criminal was sentenced to life imprisonment期徒刑: life imprisonment定期徒刑, 有期徒刑: penalty for a fixed time长期徒刑: long-term imprisonment定期徒刑: penal for a fixed time短期徒刑: penalty for a short time; short-term imprisonment判有期徒刑: 3年 be sentenced to three year's imprisonment有期徒刑: [法律] set term of imprisonment 判有期徒刑 3年 be sentenced to three year's imprisonment 处以有期徒刑: sentence to fixed-term imprisonment有期徒刑, 有期刑: temporary imprisonment有期徒刑缓刑: probation for fixed-term imprisonment有期徒刑判决: fixed-term sentence无期权出售: ooptionoffered; s no option offered无期的: indefinite
无期徒刑的法语:名 peine à vie;emprisonnement à perpétuité peine à perpétuité reclusion criminelle à perpétuité无期徒刑的日语:〈法〉無期懲役.无期徒刑的韩语:[명사]〈법학〉 무기 징역. 무기 도형. 判处无期徒刑; 무기 징역에 처하다无期徒刑的俄语:[wúqī túxíng] юр. пожизненное заключение无期徒刑的阿拉伯语:السجن المؤبد; تصنيف:حبس مؤبد; سجْن مدى الحياة; سجْن مُؤبّد; سَجْن مَدَى اَلْحَيَاة; عقوبة السجن مدى الحياة؛ عقوبة السجن المؤبد; 无期徒刑的印尼文:penjara seumur hidup; seumur hidup; 无期徒刑什么意思:wúqī túxíng 剥夺犯人终身自由的刑罚。