

  • driving without an instructor


        :    not have; there is not; be w ...
        教员:    teacher
        驾驶:    drive; pilot; steer; aviate; ...
        驾驶教员:    driving instructor
        女驾驶教员:    driving instructress
        教员:    teacher; instructor 英语教员 a teacher of english; 教员休息室 staff room; common room; 教员住宅 teacherage
        无教养:    indelicacy
        演员而已:    all things are difficult before they are easy
        民用航空器驾驶员和飞行教员合格审定规则:    ccar-61fs
        无教堂的:    churchless
        无教养的:    ill-bred; illiberal; incult; indelicate; philistine; plain; rude; unbred; uncultivated
        无教养的人:    barbarian
        无教育的:    unlearned; unlettered
        传教员:    catechist
        好教员:    the good teacher
        教员室:    staff room
        男教员:    sentimental
        女教员:    schoolmistress; women faculty
        演教员:    actor-teacher
        驾驶:    drive; pilot; steer; aviate; helm; driving 驾驶飞机 pilot a plane; 驾驶轮船 pilot a ship; 驾驶拖拉机 drive a tractor; 酒后驾驶 drunk driving; 凭星辰辨向驾驶 steer by the stars; 小心驾驶! drive with caution!; 驾驶舱 [航空] control cabin; cockpit; pilot's compartment; 驾驶灯 driving light; 驾驶飞行 beam riding; 驾驶技能 driving efficiency; 驾驶盘 pilot wheel; steering wheel; handlewheel; helm; joystick; rudder wheel; 驾驶术 drivership; pilotage; pilot technique; 驾驶台 bridge; navigation bridge; 驾驶仪 [航空] pilot; 驾驶者 driver; 驾驶执照 driving license; driver's license
        笨拙的,无教养的:    uncouth
        教员室, 教员预备室:    teachers'room
        〔美国〕实习教员。:    student teacher
        反面教员:    teacher by negative example; one who sets an example of what not to do
        访问教员:    visiting teacher


  1. "无教养"英文
  2. "无教养的"英文
  3. "无教养的, 无礼貌的, 粗野的"英文
  4. "无教养的人"英文
  5. "无教育的"英文
  6. "无酵节"英文
  7. "无接插件"英文
  8. "无接触"英文
  9. "无接触病"英文
  10. "无接触成象"英文


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