无: not have; there is not; be w ...排版: set type; compose type; comp ...指令: instruct; order; direct inst ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...孔: hole; opening; aperture带: belt; girdle; ribbon; band; ...指令的: ordered, commanded穿孔带的孔距: row pitch指令的地方: mmxssee指令的说明: pointer directions指令的机器码: instruction machine code宏指令的参数值: parameter value in a macro控制指令的转移: transfer of control instruction面向指令的算法: instruction-oriented algorithm设置指令的别名: alias指令的实际操作数: actual instruction operand指令的书写形式: written form of order孔带: pore area符号机器指令的处理: processing of symbolic machine instruction符号指令的标号字段: labelled field of symbolic instruction符号指令的操作字段: operation field of symbolic instruction符号指令的运算对象字段: operand field of symbolic instruction将数据表示成指令的形式: pseudo-instruction form数据带(不包含程序指令的带): data tape文件被执行指令的显示: echo m