无: not have; there is not; be w ...患: trouble; peril; disaster子: son南部无患子: southern soapberry; southernsoapberry三叶无患子: threeleaf soapberry; threeleafsoapberrysapindustrifoliatus无患子粉属: sapindaceidites无患子碱: timboning无患子科: family sapindaceae; sapindaceae无患子目: oder sapindales; order sapindales; sapindales无患子皮: chinese soapberry fruit; timbol无患子属: sapindus无患子叶: chinese soapberry branchlet and leaf无患子皂苷: soapnut saponin无患子皂甙: sapindoside; sapindus saponin无患子植物: soa erry; soapberry【植物;植物学】无患子。: soap-nut无患子 (乔木, 原生, 普遍): sapindus mukorossii无患子属植物: soapberry无患子科植物荔枝: litchi chinensis sonn无患子科植物龙眼: dimocarpus longan lour德拉蒙氏无患子,小天蓝无患子: soapberry患子科: sapindaceae安全无患: free [safe] from danger无患树皮: chinese soapberry phloem有备无患: be prepared against want; be prepared and you won't be sorry.; have a second string [two strings] to one's bow; if one is prepared, he will be safe.; preparedness averts peril.; preparedness [prevision] prevents calamity.; where there is precaution there will be no danger.; with all precautions taken, one is safe