无: not have; there is not; be w ...对: answer; reply的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...奇的, 无对的: impar无反对的, 无对手的: unopposed对的: correct; right; yea; yes无对称: dissymmetry无对价: without value无对应: financial reporting in hyperinflationary economies死无对证: there was no testimony of witness after the conspirator passed away.; dead men tell no tales.; lack evidence because of the death of a principal witness.; stone-dead hath no fellow.; the dead cannot bear witness无对称分子: dissymmetry molecule无对称结构: dissymmetric structure无对称系数: dissymmetry coefficient无对称因数: dissymmetry factor无对称组: asymmetric class无对流生长: convectionfree growth无对照试验: uncontrolled trial uncontrolled experiment; uncontrolled trial; uncontrolled experiment无对之本体: substance有无对比法: with and without comparsion method无对称单面组: asymmetric pedial class无声的;无对话的: silent不对的: false; incorrect; wrong成对的: bigeminal; bigeminate; binate; conjugate; coupled; didymous; duad; gemeled; mated; pair wise; paired; pairwise; twinned敌对的: adverse; alien; antagonistical; hostile adjective; opponent; opposed; repugnant; warring对的;没错: that's right