[ bbe ] so that your hearts may be strong and free from all sin before our god and father , at the coming of our lord jesus with all his saints 好使你们、当我们主耶稣同他众圣徒来的时候、在我们父神面前、心里坚固、成为圣洁、无可责备。
To the end he may stablish your hearts unblameable in holiness before god , even our father , at the coming of our lord jesus christ with all his saints 13好使你们,当我们主耶稣同他众圣徒来的时候,在我们父神面前,心里坚固,成为圣洁,无可责备。
That is the definite promise of the new testament , the fruit of heart renewal and the power of the holy spirit leading the soul and revealing the fulness of grace to keep us “ unblameable in holiness 这就是新约的确定应许,是我们的心被更新之后的结果,也是引导我们并启示恩典的丰满之圣灵的能力,他要使我们“成为圣洁无可责备。 ”
Morrel took the head of his son between his two hands , drew him forward , and kissing his forehead several times said , " oh , yes , yes , i bless you in my own name , and in the name of three generations of irreproachable men , who say through me , the edifice which misfortune has destroyed , providence may build up again 莫雷尔双手捧起他的头,把他拉近了一些,在他的前额上吻了几下,说道: “噢是的,是的,我以自己的名义和三代无可责备的祖先的名义祝福你,他们借我的口说:灾祸所摧毁的大厦,天命会使之重建。
无: not have; there is not; be w ...可: approve责备: reproach; blame; reprove; ta ...无可责备的: blameless要使我们圣洁、没有瑕疵、无可责备: to make us holy, blameless, and perfect可责备的: blamable无可责难: blameless; not be censured无可责难的: blameless; unblamable无可责难地: blamelessly可责: culpability责备: reproach; blame; reprove; take sb. to task 受到良心的责备 feel a prick of conscience; 责备应受责备的人 lay the blame on the right shoulders可责难的: impeachable; impugnable没有可责怪: no one is to biame被责备: be blamed for; who is to blame惩罚, 责备: give sb. what for盯着,责备: get after批评;责备: condemn受责备: on the mat因…责备: blame for责备, 非难: cry shame on责备, 压制: sit on sb; sit upon sb责备,申斥: reproach责备,耻辱: reproach责备,责怪: blame责备;痛斥: jumon