This unit is particularly designed for monitoring 400v feeder with backup automatic switch . it could accurately measure and calculate : voltage , current , frequency , active power , reactive power , power factor and energy . when bus gets into trouble , it can perform the function of automatic switching to backup power supply 该单元是特别针对400v馈线备自投而设计的,它具有测量母线的电压、电流、频率、有功功率、无功功率、功率因数以及有功电度、无功电度等电参数的功能;当母线出现故障(过压或欠压)时,能够完成两组母线的自动投切,即备自投的功能。
Intelligent electricity quantity concentration display instrument is a kind of intelligent instrument used to measure combined parameter of ac electricity quantity , which can simultaneously measure each phase electricity parameter in the tri - phase ac loop such as voltage , current , active power , reactive power , apparent power , power factor , frequency , active kilowatt hour , reactive kilovolt ampere - hour and so on 智能电量集中显示仪是一种用于交流电量综合参数测量的智能仪表,它可以同时测量三相交流回路的每一相电压电流有功功率无功功率视在功率功率因数频率有功电度无功电度等参数。