无人: unmanned居住: live; reside; dwell; habitan ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...无人居住的岛: uninhabited island已无人居住的: deserted无人居住的地区: uninhabited area没人居住的: empty; uninhabited; unpopulated有人居住的: inhabited; occupied他越狱后暗藏在一个无人居住的农舍里: after breaking out of the jail he hid out in a deserted farmhouse他越狱后躲藏在一个无人居住的农舍里: after breaking out of jail he hid out in a deserted farmhouse无人居住平台: unmanned platform没人居住的地区: unpopulated area居住的: living; residentiary按每间房双人居住的价格计算的房价: double rate铁炉堡矮人居住的山脉,而“卡兹莫丹: khaz modan法人居住税: corporate inhabitant tax富人居住区: a brownstone district工人居住处: workers dwelling unit供人居住: for human habitation不能居住的: uninhabitable; untenable不适居住的: unlivable非居住的: non domestic居住的情况: living arrangement居住的冥界: elysium可居住的: habitable