



        旋转:    revolve; gyrate; rotate; spi ...
        三通:    triplet; tee; tee joint; wye ...
        旋转三棱镜:    axiconlens
        旋转三棱镜传感器:    axicon transducer
        一转三:    yi zhuan san
        三通:    1.[机械工程] triplet; tee; tee joint; [工业] wye; y; yoke2.(指通邮、通商、通航) “three exchanges”: exchanges of mails, trade, air and shipping services; the opening of postal, aviation and navigational services and commercial interflow◇三通管 three-way pipe; single sweep tee; t-branch (pipe); three-limb tube
        大三通:    three links
        全面“三通”:    the direct two-way and complete “three links
        三通道:    triple channel
        三通的:    three-throw; three-way
        三通阀:    change valve; cross valve; t-cock; t-port valve; t-valve; tee valve; three position valve; three way cock; three way valve; three-position valve; three-way ale; three-way isolating ale; three-way isolating valve; three-way valve; triple (tee) ales; triple (tee) valves; triple vale; triple valve; way valve
        三通管:    pipe tee; single sweep tee; t piece; t tee, tee branch; t-bend; t-pipe; tee bend; tee branch pipe; tee piece; tee pipe; three way pipe; three-limb tube; three-way connection; three-way joint; three-way pipe; three-way point; three-way tube; tpiece; wye; y-bend; y-piece; y-pipe; y-tube
        三通式:    three way type
        三通士:    mitsushi
        三通筒:    triple cylinder
        弯三通:    sweep tee
        斜三通:    skew tee
        型三通:    malleable cast iron pipe fittings--type size--tees45°, y pieces(tees); malleable cast iron pipe fittings-type size-tees45° y pieces; true “y
        直三通:    straight tee
        旋转:    revolve; gyrate; rotate; spin ; revolution; revolvement; rotation; circumgyration; circulation 逆时针方向旋转 counterclockwise rotation; 地球围绕太阳旋转。 the earth revolves round the sun. 陀螺在旋转。 the top is spinning.; 旋转臂 [航空] whirling arm; 旋转餐厅 revolving restaurant; 旋转犁 one-way plough; rotary plough; 旋转门 [建筑] revolution door; 旋转球 apinning ball (乒乓); 旋转塔式起重机 rotary tower crane; 旋转天线 rotable antenna; rotary antenna
        三通活塞,三通活栓:    three way stop-cock
        旋转-旋转:    rotate-rotate
        y形管,三通管:    y tube
        变径三通:    reducing tee
        标准三通管:    standard tee


  1. "旋转揉曲机"英文
  2. "旋转如同四季的更换"英文
  3. "旋转软骨刀"英文
  4. "旋转三棱镜"英文
  5. "旋转三棱镜传感器"英文
  6. "旋转伞"英文
  7. "旋转伞齿轮滚齿机"英文
  8. "旋转伞衣"英文
  9. "旋转扫路机"英文
  10. "旋转扫描"英文


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