旅馆: hotel; tavern的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...预订: subscribe; book; place an or ...量: measure capacity已: stop; cease; end下降: descend; go or come down; dr ...预订旅馆的凭证: hotel voucher价格已下降: price has dipped (sagge旅馆的管理: inn-keeping旅馆的老板: boniface旅馆的侍者: bellhop旅馆的位置: the site of a hotel预订旅馆: hotel reservation旅馆的顾客们: hotel clients在旅馆的对面: it's opposite the hotel损失的预订金: lost deposit已确认的预订: confirmed reservation有保证的预订: guaranteed reservation旅馆的鸡尾酒巴间: cocktail lounge与旅馆的良好关系: good hotel relations我的预订号码是: my reservation number is预付订金的预订: deposit and prepaid reservation问路和预订旅馆: finding your way at airport and booking hotel长期居住旅馆的客人: permanent guest旅馆的入住和退房手续: check in check out