旅店: inn; hostel; xenodocheum界: boundary旅店: inn; hostel; xenodocheum◇旅店界 hoteldom酒店界: hotel旅店业。: hotel-keeping小旅店: bar hotel restaurant酒店界界别分组: hotel subsector埃索达旅店: exodar inn奥尔多旅店: aldor inn包机旅店: skytel城郊旅店: roadhouse多芬旅店: dolphin hotel湖畔镇旅店: redrige mountains - lakeshire inn加州旅店: california hotel; carifornia hotel; hotel california加洲旅店: hotel california恐怖旅店: the city of the dead烈酒旅店: thelsamar - stoutlager inn旅店,招待所: hostel旅店宾馆: be careful when using the bath; hotels and hostels旅店老板: landlord of an inn publican旅店随笔: hotel paper旅店主人: pubican南天大旅店: great southern hotel汽车饭店(旅店): motel(=motor hotel)汽车旅店: motorhotel