新词: neologism新: new; fresh; novel; up-to-dat ...译: translate; interpret汉英翻译中的新词新语: new words and phrases in chinese- english translation新词新语研究中的几个问题: consideration of neology and neologism新词: neologism 创造新词 neologize; coin words 语词新作: onomatolalia; neologism; nelogism沙玛(新译派): sarma圣经新译本: new chinese version新译湾翻译: accompanying statement新译文时: excessive/extravagant/exorbitant/su再重新译码: re-encode创新词: coinage新词汇: neologism新词句: new word watch新词录: word of art新词语: neologism流便,新译为吕便: reuben创造新词: neologizecoin words创造新词语: inventing of a new word or phrase创造新词者: neoterist解释新词: explain a new word旧谱新词: pasticcio每日新词: word of the day生成新词: level deed civic madam