

  • ipo


        :    new; fresh; novel; up-to-dat ...
        :    instrument for drawing circl ...
        公开:    open; overt; public
        新规公开株:    ipo
        规公郎:    kikuro
        新规定:    country or origin labelling
        新规则:    the new rules
        正规公理:    axiom of regularity
        正规公式:    normal formulas
        公开:    1.(不加隐蔽; 面对大家) open; overt; public 公开的秘密 an open secret; 公开发行有价证券 public issues; public bonds; 公开毁坏他人名誉罪 public defamation; 公开出面 come out openly to ...; 公开认错 put on a white sheet; stand in a white sheet; 公开谈论 come (out) into the open; 他的行为一切都是公开的。 his conduct has been entirely above board. 我没有不能公开的事。 i had nothing that might not have been cried from the house tops. 他公开表示反对种族歧视。 he went on record as opposing racial discrimination.2.(使秘密的成为公开的) make public; make known to the public; open to the public 把事情公开出去 make the matter known to the public; 公开报价 public offer; 公开裁决 public verdict; 公开定价 open pricing; 公开法庭 open court; 公开化 come out into the open; be brought into the open; 公开竞争 open competition; 公开论战 open polemics; 公开拍卖 public auction; 公开赛 open tournament; 公开审判 public trial; open trial; 公开审讯 hold pubilc sittings; 公开投标 open bid; competitive tender; public bidding; public tender; 公开投票 disclosed ballot; competitive tender; open ballot; 公开信 open letter; 公开信用借款 open fiduciary loan; 公开许可证 open licence; 公开选举 open election; 公开招标 competitive bidding; open tender; public bidding; 公开指控 open charge
        颁布新规定:    to publicity a new regulation
        重新规划:    reprofiling; replanning
        双向量规公差:    bilateral gage tolerance
        都市更新规画:    urban renewal planning
        位置更新规程:    location updating procedure
        新规电力取引:    bilateral transactions
        新规雇用契约:    cne
        量规公差仪表公差:    gauge tolerance
        周知;公开;公开性:    publicity
        要学的一套新规则:    a new set of rules to learn
        作废机票新规定:    same day voiding
        圆锥量规公差与技术条件:    tolerances and specification of taper gauges
        钻头丝扣是正规公扣:    the bit thread s regular pin
        半公开:    semi-overt; more or less open
        不公开:    not public; not published; private 不公开审理 heard in private session; 不公开审讯 in camera


  1. "新广告人入门(中国点击营销顾问)"英文
  2. "新广武"英文
  3. "新广资讯"英文
  4. "新规电力取引"英文
  5. "新规定"英文
  6. "新规公开株"英文
  7. "新规雇用契约"英文
  8. "新规则"英文
  9. "新硅钙石"英文


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