新: new; fresh; novel; up-to-dat ...职位: position; post新职员: new employee/new member of the staff/newcomer; super rookie职位: position; post 他在银行谋得一个职位。he got a position in the bank革新职能: innovation function获任新职: outplacement就任新职: lesson the first day at work适应于新职: adjusted to the new job新职介绍: outplacement新职业铭刻: inscription(被解雇后)新职介绍: outplacement新职业教育联盟: nveao职位: o s i t i保持(职位): hold down位子;职位: position职位,官职: officium职位高: high ranking职位数: post count指职位: ric=power派任;职位调派;职位安排: posting职位调派;职位部署: career posting保留职位: reserve the position编辑的职位: editor-ship编辑职位: editorship编外职位: supernumerary post