And the inspiration behind martin scorseses ' " the departed " 以及马丁斯科西斯的"无间道风云"的灵感来源
He studied film at n . y . u . under martin scorsese and began his film career as a screenwriter 斯通进入了纽约州立大学,跟随马丁?斯科西斯学习电影创作,并开始写电影剧本,开始了他的电影生涯。
Several other well - received films followed , including the nasty , " greed is good " flick wall street , and a somber tom cruise film , born on the fourth of july , for which stone received his second best director academy award 斯通进入了纽约州立大学,跟随马丁?斯科西斯学习电影创作,并开始写电影剧本,开始了他的电影生涯。
Pardies and rendered into englifh by john harris d . d . london , printed for r . knaplock at the bifhop s head mdccxi , with dedicatory epiftle to his worthy friend charles cox , efquire , member of parliament for the burgh of southwark and having ink calligraphed statement on the flyleaf certifying that the book was the property of michael gallagher , dated this 10th day of may 1822 and requefting the perfon who should find it , if the book should be loft or go aftray , to reftore it to michael gallagher , carpenter , dufery gate , ennifcorthy , county wicklow , the fineft place in the world 内收有致译者之畏友查理考克斯先生萨瑟克自治市所推选出来的下院议员的书信体献辞。衬页上用刚健有力的钢笔字写明:此系迈克尔加拉赫之藏书,日期为一八二二年五月十日,倘若遗失或下落不明,凡发现该书者,恳请将它退还给举世无双之美丽土地威克洛郡恩尼斯科西230达费里门的木工迈克尔加拉赫为荷。
斯: this科: a branch of academic or voca ...西: west比斯科西: biscossi比斯科西村: villa biscossi布斯科西: buscosi恩尼斯科西: enniscorthy科西阿斯科: kosciusko莫斯科西奥: moscosio斯科西罗利: scossiroli斯科西斯: martin scorsese维斯科西: viscosi; viscossi科西阿斯科岛: kosciusko island科西阿斯科峰: kosciusko mount; kosciusko, mount科西阿斯科山: mount kosciuszko马丁斯科西斯: martin scorsese奥雷斯特斯科西亚: orestes cocia恩尼斯科西卫报: enniscorthy guardian弗朗切斯科科西加: francesco cossiga科西阿斯科 (印地安州): kosciusko county, indiana科西阿斯科浅滩: kosciusko bk诺伐斯科西亚银行: bank of nova scotia科西: caussy; corsi; cosi; cossey; cossid; cossy; jerome kersey; koci; kosie; kossi; koszi诺伐斯科西亚银行(加拿大): bank of nova scotia阿科西: stefano accorsi