斯: this波: wave尔: you丁: man学院: college; academy; institute; ...斯波尔丁: spalding; spaulding斯波尔丁县: spalding county, georgia斯波尔丁格雷: spalding gray斯波尔丁卫报: spalding guardian斯波尔丁-理查森手术: spalding-richardson operation斯波尔丁旗帜报: spalding standard斯波尔丁兄弟公司: a. g. spalding & bros. inc; spalding & bros. inc奥斯丁学院: austin college哈丁学院: harding college圣马丁学院: central saint martins college of art and design; st. martin's college波尔丁: boldine; boldoglucin; paulding斯波尔: spaul; spoehr; spoerl; spohr; spoor; sporr; spoul亚特兰大金斯波尔丁法律事务所: atlanta law firm of king and spalding波尔丁湾: paulding bay波尔丁县: paulding county, georgia鲁波尔丁: ruhpolding圣奥古斯丁学院: st. augustine's college; st. augustine’s college阿斯波尔: aspord鲍里斯波尔: borispol蒂拉斯波尔: tiraspol