Plato, locke, hegel, spencer, are such temperamental thinkers . 柏拉图、洛克、黑格尔、斯宾塞是这种有特殊气质的思想家。
The expression often used by mr. herbert spencer of the "survival of the fittest" is more accurate . 斯宾塞先生所常用的“适者生存”这个名词,比较确切。
Spencer expressed the concept of decentred structure in atomistic terms but it is, nevertheless, an important insight . 斯宾塞虽以原子论观点表述分权型结构,但他的观点却不失为一种重要的见解。
In this way spencer attemped to reconcile his sociological individualism with his collective concept of the social organism . 斯宾塞力图以这种方式使他的社会学个人主义同他的社会有机体论集体观相调和。
Mr. adams beamingly explained its workings to mr. spencer, who showed a courteous but not too intelligent interest . 亚当斯先生眉飞色舞地向斯宾塞先生解释其中奥妙;斯宾塞洗耳恭听,却显然只是出于礼貌。