After considerable dithering, hitler put the very able general von manstein in charge of the northern and threatened of these luckless armies . 希特勒经过一番犹豫之后,委派非常精明干练的冯曼斯坦因去指挥所有那些出师不利的部队中最受威胁的北翼部队。
A survey of the papers and correspondence of sir aurel stein in the bodleian library , oxford 英国牛津大学包德利图书馆藏斯坦因亚洲考古档案文献调查报告
Huang wenbi collects some stones and claims that stone culture of lop spreads from north east to southwest , which denies stein ' s opinion 黄文弼根据所采集的石器特征,认为罗布石器文化路线是由东北向西南传播,纠正了斯坦因的自西向东说。
After considerable dithering , hitler put the very able general von manstein in charge of the northern and threatened of these luckless armies 希特勒经过一番犹豫之后,委派非常精明干练的冯?曼斯坦因去指挥所有那些出师不利的部队中最受威胁的北翼部队。
" the stakes were very high , " says dr . steven goldstein , the neurologist who treated kubitz in the emergency room at the university of pittsburgh medical center 在匹兹堡大学医学中心的急诊室里为库比兹治疗的神经病学家斯蒂芬?戈德斯坦因医生说: “风险是很大的。