Lady snooks receives on monday afternoons 斯努克斯夫人每星期一下午在家见客。
The letter was just not what you would expect an attorneytowrite , snook said 斯努克说: “这封信根本就不像是出自一位律师之手。 ”
Riddell was jailed tuesday and faces a charge of unauthorized practice of law . prosecutor stephen s . snook said he also hopes to file identity theft charges 检察官史蒂芬斯努克表示,希望还能给此人再加上一条盗用他人身份的罪名。
Riddell was jailed tuesday and faces a charge of unauthorized practice of law . prosecutor stephen s . snook said he also hopes to file identity theft charges 不久前,里德尔已被送进监狱,并面临未经授权行使律师职能的指控。检察官史蒂芬?斯努克表示,希望还能给此人再加上一条盗用他人身份的罪名。
Snook and police believe riddell assumed the identity of attorney jeffrey a . riddell after he had left the country and deactivated his law license with the state 斯努克与警方坚信,在那位名叫杰弗里? a ?里德尔的律师离开美国并注销了其在宾夕法尼亚州的律师执照后,骗子里德尔便开始盗用这为律师的身份。