

  • break off the shuttle from the comb and choose the good neighbors -- said of mencius' mother
  • :    break; snap
  • :    machine; engine
  • 择邻处:    chose her neighbour to avoid bad sex influence
  • 断机:    offline
  • 裁断机:    cutting machine


        :    break; snap
        :    machine; engine
        择邻处:    chose her neighbour to avoid bad sex influence
        断机:    offline
        裁断机:    cutting machine
        断机;脱线:    off-lin
        断机杼:    your dick will become useless and broken
        剪断机:    clipping machine; punch shear; quillotine; shearing machine; shearing press; shears
        截断机:    cut off shears; cut-off shears; cutter; guillotine shear
        锯断机:    cut-off saw
        垄断机:    hillock drill
        切断机:    breaker; cut off machine; cut-off machine; cut-off maching; cutter; cutting off machine; cutting-off machines; cutting-offmachines; cuttingout press; devil; guillotine knife; shredder; slicing machine; stapling machine; winding frame
        遮断机:    barrier
        诊断机:    diagnostic machine
        板鹏断机:    slab shears
        棒材剪断机:    bar shearing machine; bar shears
        棒料剪断机:    bar shears; rod shears
        棒料切断机:    ablaengsmaschine; bar cut off machine; bar cut-off machine
        薄板鹏断机:    sheet bar shears
        电动剪断机:    power-operated shearing machine
        电控剪断机:    electrically-operated guillotine device
        钉头切断机:    buster
        定长切断机:    cut to length sizes machine; cut-to-length sizes machine; flying shear cutter
        定角裁断机:    fixed angle bias cutter
        断机计算机:    off-line computer


  1. "断机"英文
  2. "断机;脱线"英文
  3. "断机计算机"英文
  4. "断机教子"英文
  5. "断机数据处理"英文
  6. "断机杼"英文
  7. "断极急闪灯间断超快闪光"英文
  8. "断急闪"英文
  9. "断急闪灯"英文
  10. "断级"英文


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