断定: conclude; form a judgment; d ...性: nature; character; dispositi ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...断定性质: diagnose定性的: qualitative断定: conclude; form a judgment; decide; assertion; ascertainment; predicate; determine 他断定机器出了毛病。 he came to the conclusion that the machine was out of order. 我们有理由可以断定, 会议推迟了。 we may reasonably conclude that the meeting has been postponed. 我们断定你们是不敢的。 we are sure you dare not安定性的: ataractic半定性的: semiqualitative不确定性的: probabilistic定性的,质量的: qualitative定性的方案: qualitative alternative定性的论据: qualitative facts非决定性的: indecisive; indefinitive否定性的: negatory决定性的: conclusive; critical; crucial; crushing; definitive; descv decisive; deterministic; fatal; fateful; final; last; pacing; payoff决定性的如: decisive conclusive确定性的: conclusive; definitive; deterministisch deterministic元稳定性的: metastablee决定性的,关键性的: critical决定性的结论性的: final规定性的学科: prescriptive discipline决定性的,关键的: crucial a. of deciding importance决定性的比赛: finals决定性的测验: the crucial test决定性的打击: settler; sockdolager