- bar slope
- barslope
- 斜: oblique; slanting; skew; bev ...
- 撑: prop up; support
- 斜度: inclination; obliquity; tape ...
- 斜撑: angle brace; angle brack; arm tie; auxiliary leg knee-brace; batter brace; bracing piece; brail; brob; cocker; crippling; cross stay; diagonal brace; diagonal bracing; diagonal member; diagonal stay; diagonal structure; gable; inclined piece; inclined shore; inclined strut; jib; knee brace; knee piece; knee rafter; needle shoring; outrigger; raking element; raking shore; raking strut; rider; slanted prop; slanted structure; slanted strut; sprag; tension diagonal
- 斜度: inclination; obliquity; taper; tilt; slope; angularity; pitch 屋顶的斜度很低。 the slope of the roof is low. 船的甲板总有几分斜度。 there is always a certain inclination in a ship's deck