- the struggle became more acute
- 斗争: struggle; fight; combat
- 进一步: go a step further; further; ...
- 激化: sharpen; intensify; flare-up ...
- 进一步: go a step further; further; make further efforts 进一步提高质量 make further improvement on the quality; 作进一步调查 make further investigation; 进一步解放思想 further free the thinking from rigid formulism; 对社会发展的规律性有进一步的了解 have a better understanding of the laws of social development; 进一步扩大开放范围 extend the scope of opening to the outside world; 进一步发展友好关系 further develop relations; build on the friendly relations; 会议必将进一步动员国际社会, 支持他们的正义斗争。 the conference will make further efforts to enlist the support of the international community for their just struggle
- 将斗争进行到底: carry a fight through to the end