If she had been less wealthy, though as luscious as cherry bullivant, she suspected even then that this desirable man would not have been enticed . 她与彻丽布利文特一样富有肉感,但如果不是那么有钱,那么即使在当时,她也会怀疑她的如意郎君并没有被她迷住。
J . craig venter is chairman of the craig venter institute 克雷格?文特是美国文特研究所的主席。
He is not alone in this idea 在这一领域,文特博士并不孤单。
Neil clement west bromwich 26 基文特西布朗26
According to dr venter , the raw materials for those pathways are abundant 根据文特尔博士,这种酶促反应的原材料非常丰富。