Shanghai newwenseas international transportation co . , ltd 上海新文海国际货运代理有限公司
Words on zhang wenhai 词解张文海
It belongs to dc - h pattern , which is rare in nw yunnan . it only occurs under pine forest in n wenhai 属于滇西北、川西南横断山区特有分布( dc - h ) 。滇西北较少见。流域见于文海北面松林下,较少见。
R . fictolacteatum very rare and very easy to be destroyed because the local people cut the oak tree and char them 假乳黄杜鹃属国家三级保护植物,此次调查仅有少量见于文海西边高山栎林与长苞冷杉林混合的边缘。
Hou was also vice chairman of the chinese quyi artist association . quyi refers to folk vocal art forms such as balled singing , story - telling , comic dialogue , clapper talk and crosstalk 侯耀文海市中国曲艺艺术家协会的副主席。曲艺是指包括民歌,评书,小品,快板以及相声在内的民间艺术。