The king signed the instrument of abdication . 国王签署了逊位的文告。
The declaration was published in august 1687 . 宣战的文告是1687年8月公布的。
Allied aircraft dropped leaflets of this proclamation over rome and other italian cities on july 17 . 7月17日,盟国的飞机在罗马和意大利的其他城市上空,散发了这一文告的传单。
I went in and found the major sitting at a table in the bare room with maps and typed sheets of paper on the wall . 我走进去,发现少校坐在一张桌子上,房间孓然无物,墙上挂着地图和打字机打出来的文告。
Well , kevin told me . and i think for the honeymoon 哦,凯文告诉我的我想到你们度蜜月的地方