



        文具:    writing materials; stationer ...
        储藏:    save and preserve; store; ke ...
        船具储藏室:    equipage storeroom
        炊具储藏处:    scullery
        灯具储藏室:    lamlocker
        索具储藏室:    cordage store
        寝具储藏室(柜):    linen locker
        救护用具储藏室:    ambulance storeroom
        文具:    writing materials; stationery 买些文具 get some stationery; 文具店 stationer's; stationery shop; 文具用品 stationery
        储藏:    1.(保藏) save and preserve; store; keep; lay by 冷冻储藏 cold storage; 蔬菜储藏 preservation of vegetables; 这些蔬菜在摄氏20度以下的温度中能够很好地储藏。 these vegetables store well at temperatures below 20℃.2.(蕴藏) deposit 我国有丰富的石油储藏。 our country abounds in oil deposits.; 储藏量 [矿物学] reserves; deposit; 储藏品 stock; 储藏室 bin; warehousing charges; stillroom; storeroom; 储藏手段 a means of storage; 储藏物 reserve; hoardings; 储藏细胞 athrocyte
        工具储备:    deposit of tools
        玩具储蓄箱。:    mechanical bank
        蜡纸(文具):    stencils
        文具;信纸:    stationery
        文具包:    pencil bag
        文具厂:    stationery factory
        文具店:    a stationery store; stationer's shop; stationer’s shop
        文具柜:    office cabinet; stationery cabinet
        文具盒:    pencilbox; stationery box; stationery case; writing case
        文具架:    stationery rack
        文具商:    stationer
        文具室:    stationery room
        文具匣:    stationery case
        文具展:    stationary show
        文具纸:    stationery paper


  1. "文据摘要"英文
  2. "文具"英文
  3. "文具;信纸"英文
  4. "文具包"英文
  5. "文具厂"英文
  6. "文具店"英文
  7. "文具供应"英文
  8. "文具管理"英文
  9. "文具柜"英文
  10. "文具和办公用品"英文


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