- contextual dues
- 文体: style of writing; literary s ...
- 线索: clue; thread; clew
- 文体: 1.(文章的体裁) type of writing; literary form; style 矫揉造作的文体 pretentious literary style; 此书的文体胜过其内容。 the style in this book is more attractive than the matter.2.[简] (文娱体育) recreation and sports; 文体活动 recreational and sports activities; 文体学 stylistics
- 线索: clue; thread; clew 掌握线索 keep track of; 失去线索 lose track of; 故事的线索 threads of a story; 破案的线索 clues for solving a case; 追查线索 follow up a clue; trace a clue; 至今没有找到有关他行踪的线索。 no clue to his whereabouts has been found. 你可以给我提供一些有关那件事的线索吗? can you give me some track to it
- 集体线: snake