文件: document; file; papers; inst ...没: sink; submerge发现: find; discover错误: wrong; mistaken; incorrect; ...发现错误: detection of error; to find a mistake未发现错误: ndf no defect found没有发现错误: no fault found发现错误应立即纠正: when a mistake is discovered it should be corrected at once文件没找到: no files found表现错误: performance errors出现错误: an error occurred文件没有找到: file not found没发现故障码: no dtc is detected冲机出现错误: processor off-line: fatal发现错漏如数改正: e & oe,errors & omissions excepted中的文件没有找到: file not found故障单元出现错误: faulty unit error报告有关文本文件没有用: writeln城西和粮仓那边都没发现: there's nothing in the west city and the barn聊窗创建中出现错误: there was an error creating the widget错误文件名: bad file name类文件错误: class format error文件读错误: reading file failed文件写错误: writing file failed文件值错误: wrong file value