敷: apply波: wave敷箔: clad laminate; foliation敷玻璃铝: glass coated aluminum敷布: compress敷冰;结冰。: ice coating敷部: shikibe敷板前驾驶室检查主干电缆安装: inspection main cable installation for wheel house before paneling decoration敷擦法: entripsis敷、镀、包: coated with敷层: coating; backing; blanket敷: Ⅰ动词1.(搽上; 涂上) apply 敷药 apply medical ointment or powder; 外敷 external application2.(铺开; 摆开) spread; lay out 敷施 spread3.(够; 足) be sufficient for 敷用 suffice for expenses; 入不敷出 income falling short of expenditureⅡ名词(姓氏) a surname 敷季雅 fu jiya