整个: whole; total; entire国际: international; between natio ...中心: centre; centrum; centrality; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...共同: common事务: affair维也纳国际中心: vic; vienna international centre维也纳国际中心会议事务咨询委员会: advisory committee for conference services at the vienna international centre维也纳国际中心启用节: open-house day at the vic维也纳行政和共同事务司: division of administrative and common services vienna维也纳国际机场: vienna international airport维也纳国家歌剧院: vienna state opera维也纳国立歌剧院: vienna state opera维也纳国际经济比较研究所: vienna institute of international economic comparison共同事务, 庶务: common services共同事务费: common service costs共同事务股: common services unit我们的共同事业: notre cause commune共同事务倡议: common services initiative国际中心: match international centre match维也纳历史中心: historic centre of vienna共同事务工作队: task force on common services共同事务特别账户: special account for common services城建国际中心: uc tower国际中心市场: international terminal markets