

发音:   用"整个情况"造句


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  1. In the final month the whole affair became almost a farce .
  2. To get a complete story of missile development in the space-age era, we must go back to world war ii .
  3. Mr . tsai : linda , i ' m pleased with the way you turned things around
  4. The consultant also represents another set of eyes on the situation
  5. All are present today


        整个:    whole; total; entire
        情况:    circumstances; situation; co ...
        指整个情况时是单数:    all are present today
        我会把整个情况给你说清楚:    i'll explain all the situation to you; i'll explain the whole situation to you
        她赶忙解释这个情况:    she hastened to explain the situation
        在这件事中, 照目前这个情况:    in the present case
        照眼前这个情况我还不能接纳他:    i can hardly receive him in the present case
        整个:    whole; total; entire 整个亚洲 the whole of asia; 整个说来 on the whole; as a whole; by and large; 整个晚上 all evening; 整个城市 the whole city
        鉴定整个经济发展情况专家委员会:    sachverstaendigenrat zur begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen entwicklung
        一个情节:    the three unities
        情况:    1.(情形) circumstances; situation; condition; state of affairs 陈述自己的情况 state one's case; 全部情况 the whole circumstances; 健康情况 health condition; 在境况较差[优裕]的情况下 in reduced [well] circumstances; 在许可情况下 as far as circumstances allow; 在许多情况下 in many cases; 情况混乱 be in a state of confusion; 情况危急 be in a critical condition; 情况证明 circumstantial evidence; 情况怎么样? how do matters stand? 随情况而定。 it depends on circumstances.; it all depends.; that depends. 我们应当根据具体情况做出决定。 we should make decisions in accordance with specific conditions. 他问起她的健康情况。 he inquired after her health. 经济情况很糟。 economic conditions were very bad.2.(军事上的变化) military situation 前线有什么情况? how is the situation at the front?; 情况调查 condition survey; 情况简介 fill-in
        整个…期间:    throughout
        整个,始终:    all along
        整个的:    all-in-one-piece; entire; gross; livelong; overall; single piece; solid; total; whole
        整个地:    entirely; in total; outright; throughout
        整个管:    homogeneous tube
        整个人:    the whole person
        点的一个情形是:    a case in point is
        两个情人难以取舍:    torn between two lovers
        如果你想要个情人:    if you want a lover
        一个情人还是朋友:    a lover or a friend
        并参与整个:    windchill-mcad
        为整个人类:    for you and for me
        我整个人:    selina
        以容纳整个:    shmmax


  1. "整个买卖让你弄得乱七八糟。"英文
  2. "整个柠檬皮"英文
  3. "整个配料"英文
  4. "整个剖面"英文
  5. "整个期限"英文
  6. "整个区域被保护(区域中无非保护的单元)"英文
  7. "整个裙身由有规则的褶形组成的裙"英文
  8. "整个裙身由有规则的褶形组成的裙19"英文
  9. "整个人"英文
  10. "整个任务时间"英文


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