

[ shùliàngjī ] 发音:   "数量积"的汉语解释   用"数量积"造句
  • dot product
  • scalar product
  • 数量:    quantity; quantum; amount; m ...
  • :    amass; store up; accumulate
  • 数量:    quantity; quantum; amount; magnitude; number 数量上的增减 increase or decrease in quantity; 我们要的是质量而不是数量。 we prefer quality to quantity. 确切数量目前尚不能确定。 the exact quantity cannot be determined at present. 它们的生产数量有限。 they are produced in limited quantities.; 数量标准 quantitative criteria; 数量词 [语言学] numeral-classifier compound; 数量合同 quantum contract; 数量级 order of magnitude; 数量界限 quantitative limit; 数量优势 predominance; 数量语言学 quantitative linguistics; 数量折扣 quantity discount; 数量指标 quantity index; quantitative index; quantity index number
  • 标量积:    dot product; scalar product
  • 纯量积:    dot product; inner product; scalar product


  1. The vigour of the formual of quntity product of space bivector in the solution of solid geometry problems
  2. Once the dot product being passed into the condition node becomes less than 0 . 3 , the condition becomes true
    一旦数量积被传递给条件节点并小于0 . 3 ,条件将为真。
  3. As a result , all of the points being shaded will return dot product values between negative 1 . 0 and 0 . 0
    作为一个结果,所有的被着色点将返回- 1 . 0到0之间的数量积值。


        数量:    quantity; quantum; amount; m ...
        :    amass; store up; accumulate
        数量:    quantity; quantum; amount; magnitude; number 数量上的增减 increase or decrease in quantity; 我们要的是质量而不是数量。 we prefer quality to quantity. 确切数量目前尚不能确定。 the exact quantity cannot be determined at present. 它们的生产数量有限。 they are produced in limited quantities.; 数量标准 quantitative criteria; 数量词 [语言学] numeral-classifier compound; 数量合同 quantum contract; 数量级 order of magnitude; 数量界限 quantitative limit; 数量优势 predominance; 数量语言学 quantitative linguistics; 数量折扣 quantity discount; 数量指标 quantity index; quantitative index; quantity index number
        标量积:    dot product; scalar product
        纯量积:    dot product; inner product; scalar product
        度量积:    metric product
        能量积:    energy product
        矢量积:    cross product; outer product; vector product
        相量积:    phasor product
        向量积:    cross product; outer product; vector product
        张量积:    te or product; tensor product
        纯量积, 内积, 标量积:    scalar product
        矢积, 矢量积, 叉积, 向量积:    vector product
        半纯量积:    semiscalar product
        标量积循环:    scalar product cycle
        并向量积:    dyadic product
        叉乘积, 向量积:    cross product
        叉积,矢量积:    cross product
        纯量积变换:    scalar product transformation
        纯量积矩阵:    matrix of scalar product
        动量积分:    momentum integral
        动量积分法:    momentum integral method
        二重向量积:    double vector product
        分量积分器:    component integrator
        估量积分:    weighed integral


        数量积的法语:produit scalaire
        数量积的俄语:pinyin:shùliàngjī мат. скалярное произведение


        拼音:shù liàng jī
        注音:ㄕㄨˋ ㄌㄧㄤˋ ㄐㄧ




  1. "数量化理论"英文
  2. "数量或范围上都大的"英文
  3. "数量基因"英文
  4. "数量基因作用"英文
  5. "数量畸变"英文
  6. "数量及"英文
  7. "数量级"英文
  8. "数量级 (时间)"英文
  9. "数量级, 量级"英文
  10. "数量级,绝对值的阶"英文


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