Digital of multi - dimension information world is making the multi - dismension information of real world mapped at digital space of computer to create the corresponding virtual world 多维信息空间数字化是将现实世界的多维信息映射到计算机的数字空间生成相应的虚拟世界。
It is one of the main tendency for mobile users to operate computers when moving , connect to the network anytime and anywhere in different ways and combine themselves and immense digital space seamlessly 在移动中使用计算机、将移动的主体通过网络与庞大的数字空间无缝的结合在一起,是当前信息系统发展的主流趋势之一。
Digital campus is the digital extension of the real campus from both space and time through informaion technologies . it integrates separate information systems and resources on campus networks , providing a uniform platform for all kinds of information applications 数字校园是现实校园通过信息技术在空间和时间上的扩展与延伸,它包含了现实校园及其所衍生出来的数字空间,是利用计算机和网络技术对校园网上的各种资源的有效集成。
With the rapid development of micro - electronic and photoelectron technologies , we are on the verge of a new computing paradigm . mobile computing system based on personal digital assistant ( pda ) products has been used widely . it is not arabian nights for mobile users to operate computers when moving , connect to the network anytime and anywhere in different ways and combine themselves and immense digital space seamlessly 随着微电子技术、光电子技术的发展,计算机发展已经进入移动时代,以掌上电脑( pda )为代表的移动式计算机系统日益普及,在移动中使用计算机、将移动的主体通过网络与庞大的数字空间无缝的结合在一起,已经成为可能。
Because of the characteristics of internet such as anonymity and publicity , e - commerce makes it possible for more and more people to be involved deeply in commercial activities in cyberspace . at the same time , it also puts forward a new security requirement : how to fight fraud and prevent exchange activities from the bargainer ' s misbehavior 由于互联网络匿名性及开放性的特点,电子商务的发展一方面使得人们在更广阔的数字空间内进行商务活动的同时,对信息安全提出了新的需求:如何防止来自交易实体的欺诈和攻击
数字: figure; digit; numeral; char ...空间: space; enclosure; room; blan ...字空间: word spacemediawiki名字空间: mediawiki namespace名字空间: namespace字空间比: word space ratio测试名字空间: steiii: testing the namespace名字空间变换: name space modification名字空间成员: namespace members名字空间声明: namespace declarations名字空间元素: nanespace members名字空间支持: nss name space support名字区, 名字空间: name space模板名字空间: template namespace全局名字空间: global namespace实现名字空间: steii: implementing the namespace增加名字空间: add name space数字空制系统: digltal control system名字空间、命名空间: namespace命名空间名字空间: namespace层次式名字空间: hierarchical namespace创建名字空间模型: stei: creating the namespace schema定义名字空间接口: stei: defining the namespace interface名字空间与汇编: namespaces and assemblies名字空间指令使用: using nanespace directives