2 12 , arithmetic figure type box digital loudspeaker 二十二数字式音箱digital loudspeaker
Usually point a kind of inside to pack the arithmetic figure cent the network with the box of the power enlarger . arithmetic figure type the power enlarger for method for signal for inputting for arithmetic figure comparing , at with arithmetic figure signal handling again and again partitioning the empress , then and respectively these signals transformation is imitating the signal , then again from eachly from of box enlarge the empress to go to again to push the the cowgirl in the box to pronounce the unit 通常指一种内装数字分频网络和功率放大器的音箱。数字式音箱输入的信号为数字比特流,在用数字信号处理的方法将音频频谱分割后,便分别将这些信号变换为模拟信号,然后再由各自的功率放大器放大后再去推动音箱中的相应发音单元。