数字: figure; digit; numeral; char ...内容: content; substance权利: right; interest保护: protect; defend; guard; safe ...数字内容权利保护,数码权利管理: drm (digital right management)数字内容保护技术: hdcp数字内容卡: contents card高清数字内容保护协议: high-bandwidth digital content protection高清晰度数字内容保护: hdcp高清晰保护数字内容显示器: hdcp发布了自主知识产权的数字内容版权保护技术: dmcp文字内容: literal content权利保留: reservation of power; reservation of right权利保证: entitlement guarantees数字传输内容保护: digital transmission content protection数字内插器: digital interpolator专利保护: patent protection索赔权利保险: claimriglth insurance所有权利保留: all rights reserved; all rights reversed对于纯文字内容: plain text选择框得到字内容: fcheckbox.getlabel()专利保护范围: extent of patent protection专利保护期限: duration of patent right protection要求保护的内容应当在权利要求中: the protection sought should be indicated深化文字内容的回忆: developing literal recall