数位: numerical digit; digit; plac ...相机: watch for an opportunity cam ...单眼相机: single-lens reflex camera单眼数位相机: digital single-lens reflex camera单眼数码相机: dslr数位相机: digital camera; digital still camera数位相机镜头: digital still camera lenses尼康coolpix数位相机系列: nikon coolpix series单眼: ocellus; ommatidium; simple eye; simpleeye; stemma位单元: bit cell; bit location; bit position位眼相: digital single-lens reflex camera数位: numerical digit; digit; place; digit position单位单形: unit simplex二进位单元: binary cell; binary element复位单元: reset unit位单元长度: bit cell length位单元后沿: bit cell trailing edge位单元前沿: bit cell leading edge位单元中心: bit cell center易位单元: transposable element白眼相加: each gives the other a cold shoulder.; each looks down his nose at the other毒眼相看: cast an evil eye (on ...)恶眼相向: cast an evil eye on sb佛眼相看: regard with mercy冷眼相待: snub sb.; eat mutton cold; turn [give; show] the cold shoulder on sb.; give sb. the frozen mitt