散布: interspersal; intersperse; s ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...不可散布的: indistributable赖动物散布的: zoochoric散布的;扩散的;散射的: scattered这谣言是谁散布的: who put that lie about被驱散的, 被分散的, 散布的: dispersed由反对党授意散布的丑闻: a scandal inspired by the opposition二氧化硫散布的数学仿真系统: mathematical modelling of sulphur dioxide dispersion散布: interspersal; intersperse; scatter; spread; disseminate; diffuse 散布谣言 spread rumours; 散布和谈空气 spread a smokescreen of peace talks; 散布核恐怖 publicize the horrors of nuclear weapons; 在一望无际的原野上散布着一座座井架。 derricks are scattered here and there on the boundless plain遍布的: pervasive; ramified传布的: epidemic分布的: distributed; distributional; non concentrated; non-concentrated公布的: released by广布的: broadcast; diffused; far-flung; videspread; widespread; widesread均布的: uniformly distributed密布的: close-set人布的: androchorous撒布的: epipastic; widespread纱布的: of or like gauze涂布的: coated宣布的: enunciable自布的: autochorous遍布,散布: permeate vi波散布: wave diffusion