Group theory is particularly rich in problems of this type, especially because of the search for sporadic simple groups . 在这类问题中,特别是由于对散在的单群的研究,群论有特别丰富的内容。
Below this , there are a few scattered inflammatory cells 其下面可见散在的炎细胞。
The focal nature of granulomatous inflammation is demonstrated in this microscopic section of lung in which there are scattered granulomas in the parenchyma 肺实质中可见数个散在的肉芽肿,由此可见肉芽肿的局限性特点。
The typical white matter lesions show loss of myelin and oligodendrocytes , scattered reactive astrocytes , and varying numbers of foamy macrophages 典型的白质病变显示脱髓鞘、少突胶质细胞、散在的反应性星形细胞,和不同数量的泡沫状巨噬细胞。
The epicardial surface of the heart is smooth and glistening , but there are small scattered pinpoint yellowish microabscesses . ( higher magnification in next photo ) 虽然心外膜的表面平滑并反光,但是还存在着小而散在的黄*色微脓肿。此为放大照片。