

  • open cast
  • 敞开:    open wide
  • 铸造:    cast-on outwell; foundry; ca ...
  • 分开铸造:    individual cast
  • 敞开式铸造:    casting-in open
  • 敞开:    1.(打开;大开) open wide 敞开思想 say what's in [on] one's mind; get things off one's chest; 向某人敞开思想 open one's mind to sb.; 把门敞开 open the door wide2.(尽量; 任意) unlimited; unrestricted 啤酒有的是, 大家敞开喝吧。 there's plenty of beer. drink all you want.; 敞开厂房 open type factory building; 敞开炉 open furnace; 敞开退火 open annealing; 敞开宇宙 the open universe; 敞开褶曲[皱] [地] open fold


        敞开:    open wide
        铸造:    cast-on outwell; foundry; ca ...
        分开铸造:    individual cast
        敞开式铸造:    casting-in open
        敞开:    1.(打开;大开) open wide 敞开思想 say what's in [on] one's mind; get things off one's chest; 向某人敞开思想 open one's mind to sb.; 把门敞开 open the door wide2.(尽量; 任意) unlimited; unrestricted 啤酒有的是, 大家敞开喝吧。 there's plenty of beer. drink all you want.; 敞开厂房 open type factory building; 敞开炉 open furnace; 敞开退火 open annealing; 敞开宇宙 the open universe; 敞开褶曲[皱] [地] open fold
        敞开式砂型铸造 明浇铸件 明浇铸造:    opensandcasting
        铸造:    [冶金学] cast-on outwell; foundry; cast; casting; found; founding 蜡模铸造 investment casting; lost wax casting; 无砂铸造 sandless casting; 工人们正在铸造一座不锈钢的胸像。 the workers are casting a stainless steel bust.; 铸造厂 commercial foundry; jobbing foundry; 铸造成形 cast form; 铸造电炉 teeming furnace; 铸造工业 foundry industry; 铸造工艺 casting technique; foundry technique
        敞开的:    exposed; open; unenclosed
        敞开儿:    unrestrictedly
        敞开阀:    full-opening valve
        敞开级:    open class
        敞开架:    open rack
        敞开炉:    open furnace
        敞开式:    discover; open type
        敞开性:    open-endedness
        外敞开:    hinged doors
        把门敞开:    open the door wide unlimitedunrestricted
        把心灵敞开:    and open umy mind
        侧敞开式:    open side type
        敞开包装:    open package
        敞开厂房:    open type factory building
        敞开大门:    open door
        敞开的窗户:    the open window
        敞开肚子:    eat without inhibition [restraint]
        敞开供应:    sufficient supply; ample supply; commodities are available without restriction.; making possible an unrationed supply; open-ended supply; products are sold without limitations.; unlimited [unrestricted] supply


  1. "敞开性"英文
  2. "敞开压力"英文
  3. "敞开油贮"英文
  4. "敞开宇宙"英文
  5. "敞开造型"英文
  6. "敞开褶曲"英文
  7. "敞开褶皱"英文
  8. "敞口"英文
  9. "敞口驳"英文
  10. "敞口驳开底泥驳"英文


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