教师: teacher; mentor; schoolteach ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...副作用: side effect碘的副作用: iodine side effect函数的副作用: function's side effect药物的副作用: side effects of pharmaceutical drugs疫苗的副作用: adverse vaccine effect有害的副作用: unwanted side effects副作用,就是药品的副作用: warm house side effect表达式的副作用: expression's side effects麻醉药物的副作用: side effects from the use of anesthetics通过中枢神经系统的副作用,中枢性副作用: central nervous system-mediated side effects药物的有害的副作用: the adverse effects of drugs教师的: magistral; pedagogic; preceptorial副作用: 1.(附带发生的不好作用) side effect; by-effect 麻醉药物的副作用 side effects from the use of anesthetics; 没有副作用 be free from side effects2.[机械工程] secondary action 没有告诉病人该药物的副作用: failing to tell the patient about possible side-effects不重视单个教师的作用: disempowers individual teacher重视单个教师的作用: empowers individual teacher教师的宠儿: teacher’s pet教师的烦恼: underpaid teacher教师的房子: my teachers house教师的情感: teachers feelingg教师的世界: br /16.the world of teachers教师的心理: teachers mental hygienee教师的意志: teachers volitionn