

发音:   用"教会书记"造句
  • clerk


        教会:    church
        书记:    secretary
        检察委员会书记员:    procuratorial committee clerk
        税务上诉委员会书记:    clerk to the board of review
        书记:    1.(党团的主要负责人) secretary 党委第一书记 the first secretary of the party committee; 大连市委书记 the secretary of dalian municipal committee (of the cpc); 江苏省委书记 the secretary of jiangsu provincial committee of the cpc; 县委书记 the secretary of the party committee of a county; 总书记 general secretary2.(文牍员) clerk; 书记处 secretariat; 书记员 [法律] clerk (of a court)
        教会:    [宗教] church 东正教会 greek orthodox church; 教会法规 canon law; 教会学校 missionary school
        本会书室:    our bk.shop
        社会书房:    shakai shoboo
        社会书签:    social bookmarking
        书记处书记:    member, secretariat of the cpc central committee; member,secretariatofthecpccentralcommittee
        副书记:    deputy party secretary; vice secretary
        刘书记:    liu shuji
        书记,秘书:    secretary
        书记长:    chief cherk; general secretary
        书记处:    secretariat
        书记的:    clerical; clerkly; secretarial
        书记官:    clerk; secretary
        书记室:    party secretary office
        书记员:    court clerk; courtclerk; reporter
        镇书记:    town clerk
        现代语言协会书目:    modern language association bibliography
        中央书记处书记:    member of the secretariat of the central committee of the cpc
        教会斯拉夫语:    church slavonic language
        教会势力的增强:    the growth of the church power
        教会诉讼保留法庭:    court for ecclesiastical causes reserved
        教会事务大臣:    ecclesiastical affairs minister; minister of ecclesiastical affairs


  1. "教会时报"英文
  2. "教会史"英文
  3. "教会世界理事会"英文
  4. "教会事务大臣"英文
  5. "教会势力的增强"英文
  6. "教会斯拉夫语"英文
  7. "教会诉讼保留法庭"英文
  8. "教会堂用圣经"英文
  9. "教会湾"英文
  10. "教会委员"英文


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