

  • hostile feeling


        敌对:    hostile; turn against; be ho ...
        情感:    feeling; affection; emotion; ...
        敌对情绪:    hostilityenmity
        绝对情感:    pure sentiment
        兄弟敌对情结:    cain cain complex; cain complex
        对情感损害学生的教学:    teaching students with emotional impairment
        敌对:    hostile; turn against; be hostility to; oppose; antagonistic 敌对集团 antagonist blocs; 敌对情绪 hostility; enmity; 敌对双方 opposing sides; parties to hostilities; 敌对态度 hostile attitude; 敌对行动 hostilities; 敌对行为 a hostile act; hostilities; 敌对状态 enmity
        情感:    [心理学] feeling; affection; emotion; sentiment; sensibilities 出于情感上的缘故 for sentimental reasons; 易动情感 emotional; sentimental; 诉诸情感 an emotional appeal; 细腻的情感 fine sentiments; 情感淡薄的人 a man of feeble emotions; 有强烈情感的人 a man of strong sensibilities; 情感不快 dispareunia; 情感脆弱 affective fragility; 情感淡漠 apatheia; apathia; abepithymia; 情感曲线 feeling curve; 情感缺乏 athymia; 情感调节 emotional adjustment; 情感障碍 disturbance of emotion; 情感正常 euthymia; 情感转移 transference
        核对情报:    checking of information
        一对情侣:    lovebirds
        敌对的:    adverse; alien; antagonistical; hostile adjective; opponent; opposed; repugnant; warring
        敌对者:    adversary
        使敌对:    antagonise
        性敌对:    sex rivalry
        对情报的要求:    information request
        敌对边缘:    duell - enemy at the gates; enemy at the gates
        敌对的封锁:    hostile embargo
        敌对的朋友:    feuding friends
        敌对的情绪:    antagonistic feelings
        敌对发射物:    hostile missile
        敌对关系:    antagonism; hostile relations
        敌对国, 敌国:    hostile country
        敌对国家:    adversarial state
        敌对环境:    hostile environment
        敌对集团:    antagonist blocs


  1. "敌对教皇"英文
  2. "敌对进路"英文
  3. "敌对进路手柄"英文
  4. "敌对进路握柄"英文
  5. "敌对军队"英文
  6. "敌对情绪"英文
  7. "敌对身分, 敌性"英文
  8. "敌对示威"英文
  9. "敌对势力"英文
  10. "敌对氏族"英文


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