

发音:   "政通人和"的汉语解释   用"政通人和"造句
  • logical administration and harmonious people
  • 政通:    masamichi
  • 通人:    [书面语] a person of wide knowledge and sound scholarship
  • 人和:    unity and coordination within one's own ranks; support of the people
  • 普通人:    a plain jane; everyman; ham-and-egger; human; man in the street; ordinary people
  • 财政通报:    boletin financiero


  1. The comprehensive national strength is being enhanced day by day . the western countries , which once tried by all means to blockade , control and isolate china , are working to improve their relationship and do business with the country
  2. This papers comes to the conclusion of business ethics of confucian business enterprises , the talent notion of “ humanism ” , the business notion of gaining the benefit by proper means , the market notion of “ honest and faithful ” and the development notion of “ liberal government make people support ” . analyse the internal and external ethics characteristic of the confucian business enterprise in the organization principles , behavior ways and basic aim as well as the assupmtion of human nature
    本文从儒商的基本概念和历史发展着眼,总结出儒商企业以“仁”为本的人才观,以义取利的经营观, “诚信待人”的营销观和“政通人和”的发展观这四大管理伦理观念,分析儒商企业处理内外伦理关系和企业管理过程中人性假设、组织原则、行为方式和根本目标环节的伦理特点。
  3. As is universally recognized , the 13 years have been a period in which china ' s overall national strength has risen by a big margin , the people have received more tangible benefits than ever before , and china has enjoyed long - term social stability and solidarity and had a good government and a united people
  4. The citys economy is becoming more prosperous day by day . the city government has formulated a series of policies to promote foreign investment . rules and regulations have been made in investment means , industry introduction , preferential policies and right guarantee



        政通人和的韩语:【성어】 정치가 잘 이루어져 인심이 부드러워지다. 국태민안(國泰民安)하다.
        政通人和什么意思:zhèng tōng rén hé 【解释】政事通达,人心和顺。形容国家稳定,人民安乐 【出处】宋·范仲淹《岳阳楼记》:“越明年,政通人和,百废俱兴。” 【示例】清·鲍廷博《青本刻<聊斋志异>纪事》:“及擢守严陵,~,始从事于梨枣。” 【拼音码】ztrh 【用法】联合式;作谓语;含褒义


  1. "政体, 政权, 政权制度"英文
  2. "政体, 政制"英文
  3. "政田"英文
  4. "政条约"英文
  5. "政通"英文
  6. "政丸"英文
  7. "政委"英文
  8. "政委员"英文
  9. "政尾"英文
  10. "政尾市"英文


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