政策: policy方案: scheme; plan; programme; pro ...组: group反垄断政策方案: vanderbilt antitrust policy project政策和区域方案组: policy and regional programme group国际粮食和营养政策方案: international food and nutrition policy programme计算机系统政策方案: csp computer system policy project政策方法: policy methods方案组态: solution config; solution database server非统组织人口与发展政策方案: oau population and development policy programme综合决策方案: consolidated decision package政策方面的意见: policy input社会决策方案模型: sds model; social decision scheme model经济政策方面整套措施: economic package天主教资助发展方案组织: katholieke organisatie medefinanciering ontwikkelingsprogrammas政策上的意见;政策方面的意见: policy input方案与政策局: bureau for programmes and policy遵守员工手册中规定的政策方针: follows the policies and guidelines as outlines in the employee handbook阿拉斯加农村社区行动方案组织: rural alaska community action programme方案政策和评价局: bureau for programme policy and evaluation青年政策和方案股: youth policies and programmes unit新起点, 新方案, 新政策: a new departure政策和方案联系: policy and programme linkages政策和方案支助局: bureau for policy and programme support政策和区域方案司: policy and regional programme division