政府: government资助: aid financially; subsidize的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...航空: aviation; voyage旅程: route; itinerary(美)政府资助的州立大学: state college靠私人而非政府资助的: financed by private rather than government money政府资助的低学费大学: land-grant college政府资助: public assistance只投资50万政府资助的风险资本: mesbic政府资助企业: government sponsored enterprises政府资助员额: government-sponsored post标准航空旅程: standard air travel非政府资助的戒毒治疗及康复服务志愿机构: non-subvented voluntary drug treatment and rehabilitation agency政府资助建屋计划: government-assisted housing project由政府资助开办的课程: publicly provided course辅助的航空母舰: auxiliary aircraft carrier由政府主办的课程;由政府资助开办的课程: publicly provided course公营机构,政府资助或控制的企业: public sector政府资本: capital governmental联邦政府助建的航空站: federal-air airport辅助的航道: secondary channel航空旅客桥: airbridge; jetway; passenger loading bridge航空旅行: test air travel航空旅行包: flight bag