政府: government真心实意: have a genuine and sincere d ...地: the earth关心: be concerned with; show soli ...它: it的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...人民: the people福利: material benefits; well-bein ...真心实意地: no.with one's whole heart全心全意地真心实意: with all one’s heart请真心实意: whenever you say” i love you” please say it honestly真心实意: have a genuine and sincere desire (to do sth.); from the bottom of one's heart; genuinely [earnestly] and sincerely; in real earnest; sincerity; sincerely; sincerely and honestly; truly and wholeheartedly; with all one's heart什么是真心实意的谈判: what is good faith bargaining无论何时说“我爱你”,请真心实意: br; whenever you say "i love you", please say it honestly; whenever you say” i love you”, please say it honestly各国人民的福祉: well-being of all nations实心实意: honest and sincere 她确实对约翰是实心实意。 she is honest and sincere to john, really真心实地: here on earth真心诚意地: with all one's heart付出的福利: benefit payments继续的福利: ongoing benefit每月的福利: monthly benefit妻子的福利: wife’s benefit意外的福利: windfall benefit预计的福利: benefit estimate人民的: demotic; presentation