政府: government寻求: seek; explore; go in quest o ...与: take part in; participate in科学家: scientist和: mix; blend大学: college; university合作: cooperate; collaborate; work ...政府与科学家: scientist and goverment; scientist and government; scientists and government国际大学合作: international university co operation; international university co-operation非洲科学家和专业人员合作信息网: cooperative information network linking scientists and professionals in africa科学家和科学思想: scientists and scientific ideas科技突破与科学家: scientific breakthroughs and scientists东南亚科学合作处: science co-operation office for科学合作实验项目: experimental scientific cooperation project欧洲科学合作局: scientific co operation bureau for europe; scientific co-operation bureau for europe亚洲科学合作协会: asca = association for science co-operation in asia; association for science cooperation in asia中英科学合作馆: sino-british science cooperation office非洲大学合作基金: african fund of university cooperation科学家和思想家: scientists &thinkers学家和科学家派德森: colin patterson国际技术和科学合作组织: organization of international technical and scientific co-operation; tesco美波科学合作联合委员会: u.s. and poland joint committee of scientific cooperation美越科学合作委员会: american committee for scientific cooperation with vietnam日美科学合作联合委员会: japan u.s. joint committee on scientific cooperation; japan-u.s. joint committee on scientific cooperation新闻文化和科学合作司: information culture and science cooperation department