政府: government债务: debt; liabilities; amount du ...交易: business; deal; trade; trans ...政府债务: debt, public; government debt; government obligations政府债务;公债: public debt偿还政府债务: public debt repayment短期政府债务: unfunded debts政府债务整理: consolidation of public loans政府债券交易: public debt transaction加强政府债务管理减少财政偿债风险: improving debt supervision and reducing the paying risk江苏省基层地方政府债务问题实证分析: positive analysis on the obligation of local basic - level government of jiangsu province拘捕欠政府债务的债务人并扣押其财产令: capias extendi facias公债,政府债券: government bond政府债权: government bonds政府债券: goernment bond; government stock; short-term investments - government bonds; tabond财务交易: financial tra action; financial transaction劳务交易: service transaction事务交易: transaction帐务交易: accounting system; accounting tra action; accounting transaction账务交易: financial transactions短期政府债券: short tap联邦政府债券: federal bonds日本政府债券: jgb英国政府债券: exchequer stock政府债券部门: government bond house