放: release; set free; let go篷: covering or awning on a car, ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...帐篷的: the flaof a tent pocket etc咱们进帐篷: example let's leave the fire to burn down and go into our tents无帐篷的: tentless帐篷的帘: the flaof a tent pocket etc帐篷的门帘: flaof material eg canvas at the entrance to a tent帐篷的抽式入口: sleeve entrance帐篷的坚硬的支柱: a rigid support for the tent双人帐篷的半幅〔三角形帆布〕。: shelter half放进: admission; filling-in; fit into; let in; put in承租人对租用网球帐篷的协议内容不满: the tenant is discontented with the content of the agreement for renting the tennis tent帐篷: tent; praetorium; tabernacle; lodge; tentage (总称) 拆帐篷 strike a tent; 搭帐篷 pitch a tent 进帐单: pay-inslip把…放进: put in放进来: put in放进去: slide进帐报单: creditadvicekosh帐篷,帐篷: kosh ba带天篷的床: canopy bed斗篷的一种: chlamys挂帆布篷的: awninged有顶篷的床: tent bed有篷的车辆: caravans